

Welcome to Bakersfield High School!  Whether your student is an incoming freshmen or new to KHSD, we have all the information you need to get registered for school!  

Registration Information: 

Bakersfield High School is offering three options for enrolling/registering your student.  Each registration option requires the following documentation, no exceptions:

  • Photo ID of Parent/Guardian
  • Current PG&E, So Cal Gas, or Water Bill (in Parent/Guardian’s Name) for proof of residence.
  • Student’s Immunization Records, including TDap 

(TB Test is also required when enrolling a student from outside the state or country). 

  • Student’s Birth Certificate
  • Student’s Previous School Transcript and/or Last Report Card
  • Legal Custody/Guardianship Documentation, if applicable

Enrollment/Registration Options:

On the left-hand side of the web page there is a quick access button “Freshmen Registration Info.” Once this button is clicked, a complete step-by-step process will guide you through registering your student and completing the Freshmen Interest Survey. All required documentation is able to be easily uploaded to the registration portal.  Copies of any required documentation that are not uploaded will need to be submitted to the Administration Building at BHS to finalize your student’s registration.

  • In-Person - BHS Parent Center 

Please report to the BHS Parent Center located on the North side of campus in the Industrial Arts Building.  Parking is accessible from H Street, just north of the Harvey Auditorium.  When arriving to campus, please be sure to wear a face mask and limit the amount of visitors to only the enrolling parent/guardian. In-Person Registration is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. through August 11th.  Be sure to bring copies of all required documentation (listed above) with you.  When at home, please have your student complete the Freshmen Interest Survey at:

  • Online/In-Person Combination - BHS Parent Center 

You are able to download the complete registration packet to print and complete at home from our website. Visit and go to the "Incoming Freshmen Information" tab. Simply, complete the paper packet and return it to the BHS Parent Center Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. through August 11th. Be sure to bring copies of all required documentation (listed above) with you and a face mask.