Counseling Staff

Counseling Staff
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are very excited to be working with all of our fantastic Drillers and hope everyone has a great start to their academic journey this year. The counselor breakdown is listed below and you are welcome to either email your/your student's counselor directly or put in an electronic request to see your counselor via the listed links.  

Go Drillers!


If a student is in immediate danger/crisis, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255, or dial or text 988. The local Crisis Hotline is 1-800-991-5272. 


If you are worried about a fellow student who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others, you can use our Sprigeo School Safety Tip Line:


Are you a freshman, sophomore, or junior student/parent? Please

join our BHS Counseling Corner on Remind. To join, simply text @drillcouns to 81010.

BHS Counseling Corner Remind


Are you a senior student/parent? Please join our BHS Senior Counseling on Remind. To join, simply text @bhscouns12 to 81010. 

BHS Senior Counseling


We have also created grade level specific Canvas Counseling Classrooms with all sorts of great information to help prepare for academics, careers, college, self-care, etc. Look for our link on your Canvas dashboard!


Counselor for students with the last names A-Can & Avid
Tiffani Alvidrez (Head Counselor) 
Counselor for students with the last names Cap-Cro & PLTW
Counselor for students with last names Cru-Hal
Counselor for students with the last names Han-McD
Counselor for students with the last names McG-Pri, ELD 1 & 2
Counselor for students with last names Pro-S, NCAA (Uploads to Clearinghouse)
Counselor for students with last names T-Z & Driller Academy
Intervention Counselor, McKinney Vento, Probation, Foster Youth, Apex Coordinator
Guidance Tech 
Social Worker
Substance Abuse Specialist
Cal SOAP College Success Coaches: TBA
For a calendar of Senior Events for 2024-2025, please click on the image below 
Senior Events 2024-2025
A-G Breakdown





Bakersfield High School Counselors Page of Resources (CPR) Addressing Anxiety


10 Techniques to calm your anxiety

  1. Manage your media diet (don’t believe everything you read online)
  2. Read a book
  3. Exercise
  4. Stick to a routine
  5. Give Mindfulness a try
  6. Write it out/journaling
  7. Watch a funny video
  8. Talk to someone who gets it
  9. Turn off your phone
  10. Drink water and eat regularly

4-7-8 Breathing 

(Before starting, adopt a comfortable sitting position)

To use the 4-7-8 technique, focus on the following breathing pattern:

Empty the lungs of air
  • Breathe in quietly through the nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold the breath for a count of 7 seconds
  • Exhale forcefully through the mouth, pursing the lips and making a “whoosh” sound for 8 seconds

**repeat the cycle up to 4 times



National Alliance on Mental Illness

Resources for mental and physical health

Free and confidential support for people in distress and prevention/crisis resources for you or your loved ones



Useful Apps

Head Space

A free app for meditation and mindfulness


A free app for sleep, meditation, and relaxation

Stop, Breathe, & Think

A free app for mindfulness and compassion

Panic Relief

A free app to help calm fear or panic attacks as they are starting