Aerospace Science (Air Force JROTC) » Bakersfield High School Air Force JROTC

Bakersfield High School Air Force JROTC

The Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) provides leadership training and an aerospace science program for high school students. The program’s goal is to "Build Better Citizens for America." Secondary school students who enroll in Air Force Junior ROTC are offered a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities. The program explores the historic and scientific aspects of aerospace technology and teaches high school students self-reliance, self-discipline and other characteristics found in good leaders. Air Force Junior ROTC is open to 9th-12th grade students who are physically fit and citizens of the United States. The program is not a recruiting tool for the military services and those students who participate in the program do not incur any obligation to the Air Force.


The objectives of the Air Force Junior ROTC program are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship and life skills; promote community service; instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline through education and instruction in air and space fundamentals. There are 794 Junior ROTC units with over 106,000 cadets in high schools across the United States and selected Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) in Europe, the Pacific, and public schools in Puerto Rico and Guam.  With the addition of new units, Air Force Junior ROTC is expected to reach over 120,000 cadets worldwide.

Cadets learn Leadership skills such as self-discipline, time management and goal setting.  They also learn basic military skills, aerospace science and physical fitness during a four-year academic program. The program is designed to build the character and confidence in each student so they can face the challenges of the modern world.

The Bakersfield High School AFJROTC instructors are highly qualified and decorated retired members of the United States Air Force with years of active service. BHS instructors served with distinction and have been recognized repeatedly as AFJROTC Outstanding Instructors since forming the BHS program in 1989. Their leadership has helped this unit to be recognized as among the best in the nation, earning the distinguished unit award six different times.

The Corps of Cadets is organized in the same manner as an active-duty Air Force Group.  It is comprised of a group commander and group staff with subordinate two squadrons. Each class hour is organized as an Air Force Flight assigned to their respective squadron.

Members taken from our competitive drill team conduct patriot ceremonies, present national colors at sporting and special events.  The team is trained to perform honors, Flag folding, Flag retirements and Funeral honors. They perform other ceremonies as needed.  This team has an incredible reputation for professionalism among the Veteran community in the greater Bakersfield area.


Flag Detail – As an introduction to Honor Guard and basic US Flag Protocol, all members of the UFA classes will participate in raising and lowering the flags at the UFA.  These ceremonies are known in the military as Reveille (morning colors) and Retreat (evening colors).

This team represents Bakersfield in state, regional and national level “Raider” competitions.  Raider is a competitive program focused on teaching military skills, physical fitness, and developing the Warrior mindset.
This is another new initiative at Bakersfield JROTC. This team competes in local level competitions using specialized air rifles. Cadets can earn college scholarships and even compete for a spot on the US Junior Olympic team.
This is the JROTC version of the Prom.  It is a formal Military Dinner held in accordance with timeless military protocol.  After the formal military portion is complete the dancing begins.  The Military Ball is the culmination of a year’s worth of planning and is one of the highlights of the year.
Each quarter, parents are invited to attend and participate in a formal promotion ceremony where cadets are promoted to their next cadet rank.  This is an enjoyable way to recognize the hard work cadets due to earn their next promotion.
Every year in early May, our cadets come together to recognize the accomplishments of some of our most outstanding cadets.  The formal ceremony recognizes these cadets, honors our departing seniors, and allows for the formal Cadet changing of command. In this time-honored ceremony, the outgoing senior commander relinquishes command to the new commander who will guide the corps forward into the coming year.
Welcome to BHS Air Force JROTC website.